Weight on your Shoulders

Sometimes the weight or stress on you will build up and you will crack. Everyone feels stress in one way or another, but many people just don’t know how to handle it. The best thing to do when you feel stress is to push through it until things lighten up. The worst thing you can do is to lay down and call it quits because things will only get worse. In school, if you are swamped by homework and sports, you need to persevere because at some point all the hard work will be worth it when you are satisfied with your grades and performances.Even if you aren’t the smartest or hardworking person out there, there is always a way you can succeed. 


Photo from bottled_void

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. You just have to find ways to cope with the stress, and after you get over the stress, you will succeed. The best way to get over stress is to find a fun way to complete challenges. Remember that emotional responses create stress inside the body. Stress is different for everyone because something that someone stresses about, may not affect another person at all. Obviously, there are things that all people stress about, whether it be homework, family troubles, relationships, and their future. Just take one step at a time and don’t think about future events. When you think about the future, you are loading more things onto your plate and your mind and emotions become clustered.

You have to be your own psychologist and determine what you can do to make yourself better. There are many ways to limit stress and make sure it doesn’t turn into depression. You have to make sure your body is getting the necessary nutrients to go through the process of living. Sugars are one of the worst things you can have while depressed because it hypes you up for a little, but your energy drops after some time. Always keep up on sleep, your mind and body need time to shut down from a day full of stress so if you don’t get the necessary sleep, your stress will build up and you will be cranky.  For me, the best way to get rid of stress is to go to the gym because it lets my mind only think about nothing or telling myself I can do it. It builds confidence in myself or possibly I don’t think about all that is on my plate for an hour or longer hopefully. You have to find an activity that helps you get your mind off your life every once in awhile. It can be whatever you want, make it weird.